Prior to studying Osteopathy, Kam studied Geography.
What do Geography and Osteopathy have in common?
Geographers essentially study the spatial relationships of people, places and/or things. A Geographer’s approach is layered, literally taking data layer by layer to analyze the interrelationships.
One of the primary principles of Osteopathy is that the body is a unit. While there are different “layers” of the body, they are all interrelated in function and form. Muscles and tendons help to physically move the body. But what allows for movement to occur practically involves the whole body. Layers upon layers, all dynamically intertwined!
So, if you suffer from chronic headaches, a classically trained Osteopathic Practitioner would not simply assess just your head. The Practitioner would search for the cause of the symptom through motion testing, palpation, and her knowledge of anatomy and physiology. The Practitioner would ask the question of why and assess the whole body, layer by layer. Based on her assessment, the Practitioner would apply treatment to ease the position of bones and muscles, improve blood and lymphatic flow, calm the nervous system, and improve the vitality of the Patient. The aim of treatment is to improve coordination and integration of the body’s structures as a whole. Ultimately, this would enhance the quality of life.
Kam Singh holds a Master of Practice in Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences (M.OMSc) from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy and is a certified FRC Mobility Specialist (FRCms). Kam has a Bachelor of Applied Arts (BA) from Ryerson University and is a member of the Ontario Osteopathic Association.